

Professional, accurate and quality translations by Rocío del Amo

A good translation is one that is faithful to the original text and expresses naturally and correctly its content, meaning, communicative intent and nuances. Expressions, terminology, register and style have been correctly transferred to the new language and spelling, syntax and punctuation of the target language have been respected. The text reads fluently and comes naturally to the recipient, to the point that he or she does not even realize that it is a translation.

In order to avoid possible errors and guarantee maximum quality at all times, all translations undergo a careful reviewing process taking into account fundamental aspects such as spelling, syntax, terminology, punctuation and style.

With all the above in mind and without forgetting other aspects such as confidentiality, rigor and professionalism, at Lingua Lingua we offer:

Documentation translation

  • General translations like stories, essays, articles, interviews, journalistic and informative texts, information and promotional brochures, correspondence, etc.

  • Specialized translations in sectors such as business, technology, IT, telecommunications, marketing, advertising, commerce, tourism, art, fashion, cosmetics, olive growing, wine growing, cannabis growing…

Translation is fundamental to the internationalization of any company and allows organizations to access a wider market by eliminating cultural barriers and getting closer to their customers. That’s why it works as a key to a world of possibilities.

Software, mobile app and websites translation and localization

  • Software: Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, free software
  • Mobile applications: iOS (iPhone and iPad), Android and more.
  • Web: HTML + CSS, CMS, WordPress, others.

Translation and localization of software, applications and websites enable companies to bring their business and products to new markets. However, the success of electronic communication will also depend on the knowledge of multiple cultural and digital factors such as SEO, accessibility and usability.

Linguistic consulting and counseling

  • Corporate identity.
  • Multilingual communication and corporate internationalization.

We help companies and institutions to create a positive corporate identity by analysing their communicative effectiveness, proposing keys for its optimisation, offering style suggestions, designing the discourse or solving any linguistic doubts that may arise. We also support companies in their internationalization process by offering assistance in implementing their global strategies. To this end, not only the translation of content is paramount, but also the knowledge of the social and cultural elements without which it would not be possible to cross international borders.


If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.